adictions, disrespect, slutyness, revenge,
justice be broken, corrupted, deformed
and that "I dont give a shit" society has formed
not the one involving wars nor pain
not the one involving death or evil
i wish i could
if i could
be in that part of time
a year, a decade
that is not famous for wars or battles
not famous for rebellion or mass murderer
i wish i could live in a time that is not famous at all
an anonymous year
a hidden time of history
a beautiful quietness of life
a time with all the unrevealed misteries
and be there, just be there
suspended in time,
watching the things growing that will peacefully die
grow up, mature by my own
to build, create
to dont need a faith
meet people like me
maybe in love fall and together live
and when the moment comes, i will accept my fate
let my soul be taken by death
knowing i happily lived
with unnecesary worries
with the soil under my feet
and i would smile
i loved, i build
my heart pound, i feel
i would smile when i die
when i die at that time
knowing that i didnt lived
knowing that i didnt see
a decaying society.